Mr. Porter's World History and World Geography


Room: 1003

Mr Porter's Google classroom codes

Go to Google Classroom and type in these codes to join google classroom. All of the power points, and guided notes we will be using will be there. Make sure that you sign up for the right google classroom

1st period World History: mx5fwrg 

2nd Period World History: hj6w2pu 

3rd period World History: ly4tff5 

5th period World History: rdxudom 

6th Period World Geography: shcd7hp 

7th period World Geography: mywdlpe

Grading Procedures

Grade  Breakdown

Assignments:  40%

Assesments: 60%

Semester  Formula

Semester Grade: 80%

Semester Exam: 20%

Mr Porter's schedule

1st: World History Rm 1003

2nd: World History Rm 1003

3rd: World History Rm 1003

4th: Planning

5th: World Geography Rm 1003

6th: World Geography Rm 1003

7th: World Geography Rm 1003


World History Syllabus 2023-2024.docx
Geo Syllabus23-24.docx
August .docx