10th World Literature & 

12th Multicultural Literature

GTHS ELA - 400 Hallway - Room 406

Donovan England France PPT 8-23.pdf

London & Paris

Community Tour June 2024 with EF Tours

Donovan Open House 23-24.pdf

Hello and welcome!

Please note that the most up-to-date information is posted in my Google Classrooms and I strongly encourage ALL of my student's adults to join their learning journey in Google Classroom :)

Welcome to another year at GTHS,

Parents, guardians, and students, please sign up for class text messages. I will use these text reminders all year. If I am texting, please note that there is a grade or school info that affects the student. So, please read them!

Please email me at christy.donovan@ccboe.net with any questions or concerns. I am available from 7:15am to 3:15pm Monday through Friday. Please allow time for an adequate response to your inquiries, as I have many students and classes, and will respond as quickly as I can, usually within 24 hours.

I will regularly challenge each student to go beyond their comfort zone and embrace the reality that learning is, and should be an uncomfortable struggle-filled process. Learning should be a challenge! Please understand that learning requires failure and learning from the mistakes made. I expect students to come to class, ready to learn and to grow as a student and an individual who is a part of a larger learning community. 

Also, please remember the following, as they will help you in every class, every job, and every situation :)

READING is required to pass. Early is on time. Technology is a tool, not your friend. Templates, examples, and samples are your friends. Failure is not an option. So, plan to be successful!

Thank you sincerely,

Mrs. Donovan

Mrs. Donovan's Schedule for 2023-2024

1st period -  Senior Multi Lit

2nd period - Senior Multi Lit

3rd period - 10th World Lit

4th period - 10th World Lit

5th period - Planning 

6th period - 10th World Lit

7th period - 10th World Lit